Sunday, February 2, 2014

How To Create A Custom Windows 8 Installation ISO

How To Create A Custom Windows 8 Installation ISO: "What makes re-installing Windows painful is the waiting around for a few keystrokes and post-installation chores. Windows 8 installs in mere minutes, but you still have to accept the EULA, manually enter your 25 digit serial number, and apply Windows updates once the installation itself is completed. If you’re eager to optimize this process, here is a way to customize your Windows 8 installation."

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What’s the Best Antivirus and How Do I Choose One?

What’s the Best Antivirus and How Do I Choose One?: "There are a huge amount of antivirus programs to choose from, so how do you find the best one? Do you use what came with your computer or what your friend recommended? How do you know if it’s any good?

Antivirus test organizations test antivirus products every month, ranking them on their effectiveness, performance, and usability. You don’t have to fly blind when choosing an antivirus; you can make an informed decision."

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