Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Best Free Antivirus Software |

The Best Free Antivirus Software | "If your computer ever connects to the Internet, it's potentially exposed to viruses and other malicious software. As last year's Stuxnet worm demonstrated, even a computer that never connects can be compromised through an infected USB drive. Given the quality of free antivirus software available, there's no excuse for failing to install protection. The question is, which is the best free antivirus?"

Make a Stop Motion Video the Easy Way

Make a Stop Motion Video the Easy Way: "Animators use the concept of stop motion to create videos made from a series of drawings or photos. Some of the most entertaining and popular videos on YouTube are stop motion, like the Human Tetris video and A Model Day at the Magic Kingdom video. Normally, these videos are made in Flash, which takes knowledge of the program and a great deal of time."

How To Secure Your Wi-Fi Network Against Intrusion - How-To Geek

How To Secure Your Wi-Fi Network Against Intrusion - How-To Geek: "Insecure Wi-Fi is the easiest way for people to access your home network, leech your internet, and cause you serious headaches with more malicious behavior. Read on as we show you how to secure your home Wi-Fi network."