Quantum computer with separate CPU and memory represents significant breakthrough: "To date, quantum computers have been implemented so that programming their operation was, in essence, hardwired into their essential structure. Although many useful demonstrations of quantum computing have resulted from such special-purpose devices, they are basically one-problem computers which cannot easily be reprogrammed or scaled to attack larger problems. As early models of practical quantum computers, they don't make the grade."
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Friday, March 2, 2012
Create Your Own Wi-Fi Hotspot With Connectify [Giveaway]
Create Your Own Wi-Fi Hotspot With Connectify [Giveaway]: "Connectify turns your laptop into a personal wireless hotspot. Windows makes this possible, but makes you disconnect from Wi-Fi and connect with a wired connection to do it. Connectify actually lets you run a Wi-Fi hotspot while you’re connected to a Wi-Fi network, so you don’t have to get that network cable out."
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The One Skill that Makes an Online Entrepreneur Unstoppable | Copyblogger
The One Skill that Makes an Online Entrepreneur Unstoppable | Copyblogger: "Pop quiz, hotshot: What’s the most important skill you must have in order to be successful as an entrepreneur, especially in an online business? "
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